Tuesday 31 March 2015


It’s been a while, hello again!

Today’s subject, as you might have guessed, is food! To be honest, I have served so much food in my life that I’m not even remotely interested in that subject.

Even though I am a trained chef and I actually really enjoy cooking, I have actually never really enjoyed eating. I don’t really know why, but I have never been that enthusiastic about it. Therefore, food is for me indispensable to life but unfortunately I am not so much into the whole eating business.

Why am I telling you this? Well, I don’t want to post pics of something I just cooked, mainly because I could just google it or look in one of my cookbooks if I would really care to know a recipe. So I decided I am just going to write about how I feel in relation to that whole subject.
When you work seasonal jobs, which I did quite a few years, staff usually gets a free meal every day. For the most part, you will like the food for like a month until you start to have a problem swallowing it. I am not picky at all when it comes to food, I really do eat everything, but it is really hard to keep eating the same shit (excuse my word choice) over and over again, and that’s sadly basically what happens. Off course, a restaurant doesn’t want to spend all their food budget on their staff, therefore it’s basically the waste that you get. It is not that easy to generalize though, since I have gotten such great food in some places, however, it doesn’t vary that often and that’s what makes it so hard to eat. Imagine eating meat for 6 months every day. You just can’t stand the texture anymore in some point (not to mention that a one day old bloody steak warmed up in a microwave just isn’t everyone’s dream). I am neither a vegetarian nor a vegan, but I prefer not eating meat. However, when I am invited somewhere for lunch or dinner, I like not having to say that I am not going to eat something.

One more thing worth mentioning is probably the time. You usually don’t have time to eat. Especially when you work in a restaurant that runs all day. You officially have a lunch break, but most of the time you probably don’t really have one. This is because in the hotel and restaurant industry you are usually understaffed. Because of that none existing time I can proudly announce that I am able to eat a Wiener Schnitzel plus side dish in 5 minutes. What a record!

Happy Easter!


LiMaZa said...

Hey :)
I have been working in the hotel business myself and I can just say: You are so right xD. It can be terrible...

Hanko said...

Thanks for your comment by the way...:)