Friday 13 March 2015

Hi, it's me!

Dear fellow students! (:

As required, I am going to give you a glimpse into my life.

My name is Mirjam Urach and I come from a small, rural village in Carinthia. As I have lived there for all my life, I am enjoying life in the city all the more.  It was quite a positive change of scenery to move to Graz, I have to say. Last fall I began to study English and Spanish in Graz and I believe it was the best decision I could have made.

Two hobbies of mine I want to mention are music and reading. Music is a great part of my family, so it has always been in my life. I enjoy singing in a choir and playing the piano. In my childhood, I was pretty crazy about nearly all the flutes available. In secondary school I took guitar lessons, but if you would ask me now to play something, I could not. Therefore, I plan on picking up that instrument again at some point in the future. So, it's just the piano right now. Of course, I also love listening to music. As I mentioned, reading is another passion of mine. I believe it's important not to just read one particular genre. Right now, I am working my way through a pile of books from my aunt. They are mainly about the Dalai Lama and Tibet, which I think is a very interesting topic.

In search of something in my room to show you, that card I got in a restaurant caught my eye. The fun thing is that only today I became aware of the fact that the text on it is kind of my motto. Keep calm and eat pasta! As I am too nervous and worried about things in general, I often tell myself to just keep calm. Keep calm and look on the bright side. Also be more relaxed and most importantly enjoy life, do things which make you happy and be with people who make you happy. The second part is “eat pasta” and to that I can say that I am a vegetarian who loves eating everything related to pasta. Over the years, I have gained more insight into how bad the massive meat consumption is for humans, animals and the environment. So I am glad to have abandoned my animal eating self years ago and I can only tell you to follow Barilla's advice. Eat pasta. It tastes better anyway! (;

So, that was it from my part.

Bye! :D

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