Monday 30 March 2015

Cooking for dummies (like me)

I actually wanted to post a recipe of the paella my father makes buuuuuuuut...he's sick.
So here's my emergency plan!
I can't cook for shhhh BUT there are things even I can cook. So I chose a meal thats really fun, easy and fast to make: Arroz a la cubana!

Okay, let's get started! ~( °7° )~*

You need
- Rice
- Olive oil
- Salt
- an egg
- Tomato Sauce - or in my case: tuna

Step 1
Boil the rice. It has to be a rice that's all sticky when cooked. Take about one coffe cup of rice for one person and twice as much of water. So if you're two people, two cups of rice and four cups of water. Though I would recommend to only make Arroz a la cubana if you're more people because it's not really good to cood a coffe cup of rice xD (I took a water glass because I cooked for three people)
Put salt into the pot and maybe a leaf of laurel for the taste(if you want). Let the rice boil (without a lid) until all the water has evaporated. But don't let it dry out! Once you hear the rice sizzle a little take it off the fire so it's still a little moist. That way it sticks better. Also put some olive oil to the rice before you pour in the water or it will stick to the bottom of the pot.

Step 2
Choose a glass (or better: a plastic cup) of a size to your liking and but the rice in it. Press it together and then turn it around. The rice should come out in the form of the cup or glass it was in. (Oh yeah...memories of our sandbox days...I bet everyone here loved to bake a sand-cake :D).

Step 3
Fry an egg. (I do hope I don't need to write down further instructions :P)
Oh but maybe try to keep the white of the egg as circular as possible! (Unlike me lol)
Wyh? Because...

Step 4
...then you're going to put the egg ON TOP of the rice-cake! Like a little hat ;)
The original recipe says to put around tomato sauce but we didn't have that at home so I chose tuna because we eat rice with tuna a lot xD (You can try Ketchup or maybe Salsa Cocktail. Actually, don't try Ketchup, it's too strong and it'll ruin the taste.)

Enjoy your meal! :) [and hopefully it looks tastier than mine xD]

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